Thursday, August 6, 2009

Money, Servant or Master

This is the start of the story of the conventional financial mechanism, the one in place today in every modern country and its effect on our society at present. That is going to require a few blogs. Then we discuss how a sound scientific money system effects society in such different beneficial ways. Everyone is invited to join us for the trip and what a trip it is for we arrive at a destination of which many have dreamed and none have reached. First I'll mention what I am not. I do not hold any degrees from any university. I did not attend any university for more than a few weeks and that occurred many years ago. I educated myself. I do not apologize for that. It consoles me that the present conditions, so eloquently illuminated by the media were arrive at under the supervision of our best ane brightest. These graduates with sumptious degrees and accolades from the most prestigious Universisites, after ascending to the most authoritive stations have lead us to the present precarious position in which we find ourselves. There is much they could have done to alleviate the situation. They have admitted to the media, thats right they said it right out loud, they are surprised at the deterioration of the global economic picture.They had no clue the economic downturn was coming. The discussions on global warmig would be humorous were not the results so calamitous while unemployment, hunger and polluton paint a sad sad picture indeed. These problem that so perplex have an easily ascertain permanent solution. It is for the government to create money and pay it into circulation without the corresponding debt or to lend money without charging interest. We absolutely must cease the lending of money at interest for that is the culprit, the cause of all the social distress and upheaval from which we suffer. This is not a guess, an estimate or a belief. It is an accurate description of the way things work. It will suffer no argument or rebuke. Warmest personal regards from one small voice, hafaloaf. Its better than none. More to come.

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